Below you can find a selection of past projects including documentation, live-examples, and GitHub repositories where applicable. For any further information, or to inquire about future projects, don't hesitate to get in touch on my contact page or though any of the socials listed below.
UI/UX, Creative Design, Web Development, Project Management
I designed and created GGDB as my final Capstone Project in the Web and Mobile App Development program at NIC. The goal was to create a video game discovery application where you can find game details, reliable game reviews, and stay up to date on trends.
GGDB implements node/express to dynamically generate and/or inject video game data from multiple API sources. It has been created to be responsive and is equally accessible on computers, tablets and mobile devices.
Full Case Study available at: https://learndigital.dev/students/reeve-jarvis/
Project Management, Documentation, User Testing
TradeFolio was a collaborative effort between the students and faculty of North Island College.
Over the course of two months, our team worked to complete a government funded application prototype aimed at improving the documentation and skill tracking experience for students in the Apprenticeship and Trades programs.
I held the role of Project Manager, helping to manage and guide our team towards a useful product that met client expectations.
Project Management, UI/UX, App Development, Documentation
Unwind is an application prototype designed and developed by my team at the Mexico Field School scholarship placement in Querétaro, Mexico.
Over the course of one month, we studied and worked at Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa. Our goal was to produce an application prototype aimed at addressing a prevalent user-need, tracking and addressing increasing stress levels to avoid long-term health implications.
As the Lead Developer and Project Manager, I played a part in every deliverable and guided our team towards project completion.
D2D - Redesign
WordPress Development, UI/UX, Documentation
Working with a group of 3 other students, we selected a local non-profit organization in need of a website re-design.
After reviewing the current Dawn to Dawn website, we felt that it was overwhelming to navigate and could benefit from a simplified hierarchy of information. Our primary focus for this project was to create an improved user-experience, while maintaining the brand identity of the organization.
As the lead developer, I was tasked with implementing the design-team's wireframes within WordPress using Elementor and various other plugins.
Cross Platform Research
Technical Research, Analysis, Documentation
As a final submission for my Advanced App Development Course, I completed a in-depth research package exploring issues with media compression while using cross-platform mobile communication services.
My goal was to discover the underlying cause of quality-loss when transfering media between Android and iOS devices, and briefly explore both current and future facing solutions.
Edible Island
Social Media Analysis, Marketing Plan
For this project I was tasked with selecting a local small business and analyzing the effectiveness of their current social presence.
The goal was to find areas of improvement, and provide a detailed social marketing plan to ensure the continued success of the company in the modern social marketing landscape.
UI/UX, Creative Design, Documentation
Compaws is an application prototype focussed on helping users find local rescue dogs in need of a home.
I designed Compaws as my primary project for the UI/UX Design course in my first year at NIC. My work included wireframe development, user testing and group critiques with the goal of producing an intuitive and functional user interface.
JavaScript Development
FloodFill is a JavaScript web game I created following tutorials and lessons provided in my Applied JavaScript course at NIC.
This project was meant to display the skills I have learned in modern ES6 JavaScript language features, including the use of JavaScript objects, multi-dimensional arrays and user interaction through the canvas.
Color Match
UI/UX, Android Development (Java)
Using Android Studio and Java as the primary programming language, I developed a simple color matching game for Android devices.
Leveraging the color utilities package, a grid of randomly generated colors is presented to the user. The goal is to find the two colors that blend to create the indicated target. The game has a persistent win counter, tracking the number of wins during a play session.
IJJ Development
JavaScript Development, UI/UX
Completed in my first year at NIC, this website was my first official web project.
Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript I developed a portfolio/business website that showcased my personality and the skills I had gained throughout my first year of study. The most notable feature of this website was my dynamically generated calendar (found on the contact page).
While quite simple, and admittedly amateur in it's implementation, I was proud of what I was able to accomplish with limited experience in just one year of study.